Internal Medicine
The Internal Medicine Sector provides multi dimentional care, prevention, hospitalization, diagnosis and therapeutic treatment across the entire range of internal medicine cases.
It features four clinics and two specialized units, for infectious diseases and diabetes.
With scientific accountability, significant recognition in Greece and abroad, thriving research activity and modern technological equipment, it approaches each patient individually and provides personalized care and treatment according to international standards, based on the individual needs, the condition and the medical history of each patient.
The Henry Dunant Hospital Center’s 1st Clinic of Internal Medicine, offers its services and covers the entire spectrum of activities that require treatment, ranging from the most simple to the most complex internal medicine disease today.
Phone:(+30)210-6979091 Call Center:(+30)210-6972000
The Henry Dunant Hospital Center’s 2nd Internal Medicine Clinic offers diagnosis and counseling regarding all diseases related to internal medicine.
Phone:(+30)210-6972965-6 Call Center:(+30)210-6972000
In the 3rd Clinic of Internal Medicine, patients are hospitalized with conditions that cover the entire range of Internal Medicine pathology.
Phone:(+30) 210-6972488 Call Center:(+30)210-6972000
The 4th Clinic of Internal Medicine of Henry Dunant Hospital Center provides diagnostic and treatment services covering the entire spectrum of internal medicine.
Phone:(+30)210-6979093 Call Center:(+30)210-6972000