Central Pathology

Performs the diagnosis and staging of diseases, suggests treatment and predicts disease progression, and at the same time plays a key role in the investigation of etiopathogenic mechanisms. New technologies in the fields of immunology (immunohistochemistry), molecular biology and genetics (e.g., polymerase chain reaction-PCR) have created new horizons on the potential and prospects of anatomical pathology regarding the most effective treatment of diseases.

Telephone: (+30)210-6972286

Call center: (+30)210-6972000

E-mail: panatomiko@dunant.gr

Director of Central Pathology Laboratory: Arapandoni - Dadioti Petroula



Central Pathology Laboratory

  • Rapid Biopsies and their management
  • Processing of surgical preparations
  • Histological diagnosis of biopsies and biopsy material when performing guided biopsies
  • Stereotactic brain biopsies
  • Processing and diagnosis of bone marrow biopsies
  • Histological diagnosis of all system surgical preparations
  • Immunohistochemical investigation
  • Breast hormone receptor testing



Medical Staff