Pathological Sector
The Gastroenterology Sector offers comprehensive services that include diagnosis, hospitalization and provision of therapeutic care to all patients with digestive system disorders.
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READ MOREThe Dermatology Clinicprovides primary care both in the field of clinical invasive dermatology and in cosmetic dermatology, as well.
Phone:(+30)210-6972494 Call Center:(+30)210-6972000
READ MOREThe management of infections in a modern hospital includes a series of measures that contribute not only to the right treatment of patients with infectious diseases, but also to the protection of the hospital area from infectious diseases transferred to the institution by the staff, patients or visi
Phone: Call Center:(+30)210-6972000
READ MOREThe Sleep Laboratory Department is the first and only state-certified Sleep Disorders Laboratory-Center in Greece.
Phone:(+30)210-6972884 Call Center:(+30)210-6972000
READ MOREThe main focus of both the Clinic of Endocrinology and the Metabolism and Diabetes Center is the diagnosis and treatment of all endocrine system diseases (pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla, testes and ovaries) and metabolic disorders.
Phone:(+30)210-6972226 Call Center:(+30)210-6972000
READ MOREThe Cardiology Sector specializes in the management and treatment of all types of heart diseases, offering comprehensive services of the highest quality.
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READ MOREEvery patient who trusts the Nephrology Clinic has access to one of the largest and most integrated nephrology centers in the country.
Phone:(+30)210-6972255 Call Center:(+30)210-6972000
READ MOREThe Internal Medicine Sector provides multi dimentional care, prevention, hospitalization, diagnosis and therapeutic treatment across the entire range of internal medicine cases.
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READ MOREThe Medical Oncology sector’s objective is the diagnosis and clinical and therapeutic care of patients with various types solid tumors.
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READ MOREThe Pulmonary Medicine Clinics and specialized Laboratories for Sleep study, Smoking Cessation, Bronchoscopy and Ergospirometry, cover all pulmonary related cases.
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READ MOREThe Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is a technically modern and scientifically experienced rehabilitation unit for the management and treatment of post-traumatic and post-operative conditions.
Phone:(+30)210-6972329 Call Center:(+30)210-6972000