The new multi-slice computed tomography scanner (128 slices per second) performs bloodless coronary artery and cardiac examinations, as well as high-precision whole-body angiography examinations. In addition, virtual endoscopies of hollow organs are performed, such as intestine, trachea, bladder, etc.
The main advantages of the multi-slice computed tomography scanner are the reduction of the examination time, as well as the smaller slice thickness with a simultaneous increase of the examination field. Among other things, it allows the performance of special examinations with excellent diagnostic results, such as CT angiography of the extremities, the thoracoabdominal aorta, the carotids and the intracranial branches, as well as pulmonary angiography. The method can be applied for the non-invasive assessment of occlusive arterial disease, the arterial mapping of areas of surgical interest, as well as for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism even in small peripheral branches. In addition, the diagnostic capacity of standardized examinations is increased, such as abdominal CT scan, where the most complete hemodynamic study is allowed, thus identifying lesions of the body organs, and enabling preoperative tumor assessment. The new CT scanner also ensures a significant improvement in the imaging of the musculoskeletal system (detailed study of skeletal trauma in complex fractures involving articular surfaces, study of inflammations, skeletal tumors, malformations, etc.).