Mermigis Charalampos
Pulmonary/TB Specialist
Sleep Specialist

Sleep Study Laboratory
Telephone: (+30)210-6972884
Email: c.mermigkis@dunant.gr
- Director of Sleep Disorders Center Henry Dunant Hospital Center (10/2017-present)
- Co-Director of Sleep Disorders Center Henry Dunant Hospital Center (3/2016-10/2017)
- Head of Sleep Disorders Center Henry Dunant Hospital Center (7/2007-3/2016)
- Scientific collaborator in educational and research projects in the Medical School of University of Crete
- Director of Sleep Disorders Center 401 General Army Hospital Athens (2007-2015)
- Scientific collaborator of Sleep Disorders Center 401 General Army Hospital Athens (2003-2005)
- Sleep Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Sleep Disorders Center , Ohio, USA 2005-2006 (Boards in Sleep Medicine 2006)
- Pulmonary Medicine 1995-2001 Sismanoglio Hospital , Athens (Boards in Pulmonology 2001)
- Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki , Medical School and Military Medical School 1987-1993
- Sleep Specialist (American Board of Sleep Medicine Certified International Sleep Specialist 2006)
- PhD, Medical School of University of Crete ,2004
- MD, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki , Medical School and Military Medical School , 2001
Postgraduate training
- Cleveland Clinic Sleep Disorders Center , Ohio, USA, Clinical research fellow (2005-2006)
- American board of Sleep Medicine International Sleep Specialist
- PhD : ‘‘ Apoptosis phenomenon in bronchoalveolar lavage cell populations from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and sarcoidosis’’ University of Crete, Medical School, 2004
Special scientific interest
- Sleep apnea syndrome
- Parasomnias
- Hypersomnia’s
- Narcolepsy
- Insomnia
- Non invasive ventilation
- Sleep disorders in neurologic-neuromuscular-cardiologic and respiratory disorders (special focus in sleep disorders in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis)
- Abnormal sleep behaviors’
Recognitions & Awards
- First Greek Pulmonologist with the specialty of Sleep Medicine (American board of Sleep Medicine International Sleep Specialist)
- Award of the best scientific research in the field of sleep medicine at the 23o (2013), 24o (2014) and 25o (2015) Pan-Hellenic Pulmonary congresses
- Organization in Athens of the seminary of the European Respiratory Society in the field “Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Sleep”
- American Academy of Sleep Medicine
- Accreditation Committee of Sleep Laboratories, of the Hellenic Thoracic Society (2010- present)
- Hellenic Sleep Research Society (HSRS)
- Hellenic Thoracic Society
- European Respiratory Society
- Coordinator of the Sleep Breathing Disorders group of the Hellenic Thoracic Society (2010-present)
- His research activity resulted until now in many publications (58 in peer review international journals, Citations: total number: 771, h-index: 15, i10-index: 24, updated 11/2017)
- He has served as a lead investigator on numerous clinical trials in the area of sleep in patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Author of chapters 7, 10 in the Sleep Medicine Book ‘’Α case a week: Sleep Disorders from the Cleveland Clinic’’, Οxford University Press 2011
- Abstracts-oral presentations in Greek and International Congresses >160
- Invited Speaker in Greek and International Congresses >50
Some of the most important publications
- Sleep as a New Target for improving Outcomes in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Chest 2017
- Evaluation of inflammatory Markers in a Large Sample of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients without Co morbidities. Mediators Inflamm.2017
- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and sleep disorders: no longer strangers in the night. Eur Respir Rev. 2015