5th Clinic of Pulmonology Medicine

The 5th Clinic of Pulmonology undertakes, monitors and treats cases Clinical and Interventional Pulmonology cases.

These patients may be treated or monitored at the outpatient clinic. They are patients suffering from purely respiratory diseases or diseases that involve the respiratory system and respiratory failure.

Our staff of Pulmonologists-Intensivists enables us to undertake and process critically ill patients with respiratory failure under mechanical respiratory support, or those requiring non-invasive mechanical ventilation, patients with tracheostomy - critically ill patients.

Our patients receive medical care and are monitored on a 24-hour basis by the treating physicians, who stand by the patients and their relatives.


-Outpatient clinic

- Laboratory for the assessment of respiratory function

-Ergospirometry lab

-Respiratory infections lab

-Post-covid clinic

-Asthma clinic - investigation of chronic cough

-COPD clinic

-Lung cancer clinic

-Hemoptysis investigation

-Smoking cessation clinic, smoker screening

-Interstitial diseases and pulmonary fibrosis clinic

-Latent tuberculosis screening, Mantoux test

-Pleural effusions, paracentesis, diagnostic and therapeutic access and pleurodesis

-Monitoring of patients with neuromuscular diseases ALS - myasthenia gravis, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis

-Monitoring of patients with sleep apnea syndrome

-Obesity hypoventilation syndrome under C-PAP, Bi-pap, Auto-C-PAP.

The sleep studies required are performed in the specialized department of our hospital’s Respiratory Rehabilitation Center

-Bronchoscopy lab


At the Laboratory for the assessment of respiratory function are carried out the following:

-Spirometry before and after bronchodilation

-Measurement of diffusion capacity

-Plethysmographic screening

-Measurement of static volumes

-Measurement of airway resistance

-Respiratory muscle assessment

-6-minute walk test

-Preoperative assessment

The laboratory of Ergospirometry is fully equipped, specialized with our ergophysiologist, and carries out:

Cardiopulmonary fatigue tests, an examination often necessary in preoperative screening or in the screening of athletes with asthma.


Pulmonary rehabilitation unit:

Patients with COPD-pulmonary fibrosis who need improvement of their respiratory function and respiratory reserve. The program is coordinated by the treating pulmonologist in collaboration with an ergophysiologist and a physiotherapist.


Bronchoscopy lab:

-EBUS/TBNA bronchoscopy with video bronchoscopy

-Bronchoalvelolar lavage, BAL

-Diagnosis of lung or mediastinum lesions, mediastinal lymph node biopsy

-Diagnosis of mediastinal lung disease

-Removal of foreign bodies from the lung.


Services provided on a 24/7 basis in the outpatient clinic - emergency department.

Assessment of respiratory function on a daily basis.

Bronchoscopy laboratory, bronchoscopy and pleura evacuation paracentesis available on a daily basis.

Medical Staff